How to enter play mode at the specific screen resolution?
I don’t want to maximize at play because I am developing for Web player (which is 960x600 by Unity’s default). But when I hit play, it is either my current game-window size or maximized game-window size.
How to I get to a specific screen resolution?
You can set the default resolution in the player settings (Edit->Project Settings->Player). In the inspector the settings are under the “Resolution and Presentation” tab. Once you’ve changed that, go to your game view and in the top left corner you can change the resolution to “Standalone(100x100)” where “100x100” is whichever resolution you set in the player settings.
Now if you play in a game view larger than that resolution it will play the correct size. But if you’re game view window is smaller than that resolution it will scale it down keeping the right aspect ratio.
You can set the default resolution in the player settings (Edit->Project Settings->Player). In the inspector the settings are under the “Resolution and Presentation” tab. Once you’ve changed that, go to your game view and in the top left corner you can change the resolution to “Standalone(100x100)” where “100x100” is whichever resolution you set in the player settings.
Now if you play in a game view larger than that resolution it will play the correct size. But if you’re game view window is smaller than that resolution it will scale it down keeping the right aspect ratio.