Hello all –
I’m trying to play an AudioSource backwards. I’ve done a bit of reading and can’t seem to figure out if this is an actual possibility.
What I’m currently trying to do is:
- First I start playing the audioSource.
- Then I set the audioSource.time equal to the audioSource.clip.length.
- Then I set the audioSource.pitch to -1.
However, this doesn’t seem to work.
Any ideas?
first of all, note that AudioSource.time may not actually represent the actual time of the clip (with compressed audio)
I’m not really sure what the “correct” way would be to handle that line, probably using timeSamples vs clip.samples
to be safe, I would use one less
audio.timeSamples = audio.clip.samples - 1;
audio.pitch = -1;
I’ve tested this and it works
but not without the “-1” in “audio.clip.samples - 1;” though, so I guess once you reach the last sample, it automatically “resets” or whatever, so keep that in mind…
Temporary Fix I came up with
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
public class AudioPlayer : MonoBehaviour
private AudioSource audioSource;
void Start()
audioSource = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
public void PlayAudio(AudioClip audioClip)
audioSource.pitch = 1;
audioSource.clip = audioClip;
public void PlayReverseAudio(AudioClip audioClip)
audioSource.pitch = -1;
audioSource.loop = true;
audioSource.clip = audioClip;
public IEnumerator StopLoop()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
audioSource.loop = false;