Play Game Services plugin Save State Issue

I am using this plugin :

I am trying to save my local user’s score to cloud, this is from the original guide :

   using GooglePlayGames;
    using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;
    using GooglePlayGames.BasicApi;
    public class MyClass : OnStateLoadedListener {
        void SaveState() {
            // serialize your game state to a byte array:
            byte[] mySaveState = ...;
            int slot = 0; // slot number to use
            ((PlayGamesPlatform) Social.Active).UpdateState(slot,
                mySaveState, this);
        public void OnStateSaved(bool success, int slot) {
            // handle success or failure

My user score is an int, so this is what I did

public void SaveState() {
		// serialize your game state to a byte array: //
		int TheHighScore = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("highscore");
		byte[] mySaveState = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(TheHighScore);
		int slot = 0; // slot number to use
	public void OnStateSaved(bool success, int slot) {
		// handle success or failure

Then the error is :

error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `GooglePlayGames.PlayGamesPlatform.UpdateState(int, byte[], GooglePlayGames.BasicApi.OnStateLoadedListener)' has some invalid arguments

error CS1503: Argument `#3' cannot convert `My CS Filename Whatever the name is' expression to type `GooglePlayGames.BasicApi.OnStateLoadedListener'

How to set this up correctly? it is always showing this error “my CS filename Whatever the name is” where ever I put it.

Note : I put this code in a normal CS file :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using GooglePlayGames.BasicApi;
using GooglePlayGames;
using UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms;

public class blablabla : MonoBehaviour {
bla bla bla ......



You need to change this

public class blablabla : MonoBehaviour {

to this

public class blablabla : OnStateLoadedListener {

but i haven’t figured out how to use it then…
did you?