Play Games Services only works if the app is downloaded from the app store.


I’m trying to implement Play Games Services into my game however the plugin simply won’t work correctly. It tries to connect, shows the little green box with “Google Play Games”, a loading circle show up and then slides to the side, after that nothing withing the Play Games Services seen to work at all (no achievements, score board etc). However when i actually publish the app to Google Play everything works perfectly just as it should. However this is obviously extremely unpractical as it sometimes takes a couple of hours before updates actually go live. I’m kinda of a noob but i assume it’s failing to authenticate for some reason but i’m not sure how to check that?

Thankful for any help!

Yes you need to upload APK file to Google Play console project before it becomes available for testing.

You can publish the App under Alpha Release . So its NOT available to general public. ONLY available for activated testers in the alpha section. Normal uses cannot find your app on google play but your activated testers and find it by searching from the Google Play search box.

I think you might have got a authentication error when testing it without uploading apk to your project in Google Play Console.

If you have enabled PlayGamesPlatform.DebugLogEnabled = true; you will see the error.

After linking your app with Game Services in google play console , you can continue testing.