Play Mode not deploying to Quest 2, stuck at Unity splashscreen.

Hi guys,

I’ve set up a new project and have everything required to deploy to Quest 2. Yesterday evening I was entering Play Mode fine, but today when I enter it gets stuck on the headset at the Unity splashscreen that appears in Oculus link. This doesn’t disappear until the Unity project is closed.

I’m getting no errors and its not an issue in other projects. Does anyone know what the issue might be?

I have found some more information on this since making this post. I am using Unity version 2021.3.0f1 and working with ASW, and it seems the issue is related to whether or not ASW is selected. When selected, play mode will not deploy over link. When unselected, its fine, except I have no hand tracking on Windows / Editor if using the OpenXR backend. Is the best option to be working on legacy until build, then switch to OpenXR backend, activate ASW, and build for Android via OpenXR?

I suggest to update unity, update oculus xr plugin, xr management and if you use openxr also update that. Then most issues should be solved.

For openXR hand tracking you need the new openxr hands package.
OpenXR does not support AppSW