Play mode not working

Could you file a new bug report for me and send me the number? Make sure your project is configured in exactly the way that reproduces for you. And also be sure to not include any sensitive (NDA) content in there as well.

Yeah, I’ll try to submit a bug report but our project is around 90 gb so it’ll take a while i guess. I’ll let you know!

If you can reproduce the bug in an empty, or near empty project you can submit that. In fact it’s preferable if you can do that since your project is so large and complex

After some testing we’ve come to the conclussion that it’s not Unity related, you guys did a great job

It seems that starting the game from a third party doesn’t start the game in the hmd. We wrote a custom program that starts our game from the server and launches it on the clients automatically (we’re a LBE VR company). But Windows apparently doesn’t allow that. If we go on the client and start it manually, it works fine.

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Interesting! Well let us know if there’s anything we can do in the future to help. You could potentially report that launching issue to Microsoft to unblock your use-case.

Was just agonizing over a similar problem, and I’m using Unity 2020.1.9f1 on a Mac; this solution might not work for you cause of different circumstances but it worked for me. My solution was to go to Edit → Project Settings → Player → Under Other Settings, change the minimum API from whatever the default is to ‘Marshmallow’ Level 23. That’s it, worked like a dream. Good luck!

Just go to Player Settings/XR Settings and uncheck and check back Virtual Reality Support

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how to uncheck administrator? or check whether my unity in administrator mood?

If you right click on the unity.exe and go to properties, then go to the compatibility tab there is a toggle for Run As Administrator