Play Mode Scenarios instantly closes Multiplayer Play Mode players

Hi, this is what I’m trying to achieve: I want to be able to start the game always from the “Startup” scene, for the main editor and the additional Players added by Multiplayer Play Mode.

Here’s my setup

When hitting Play: the two extra window load for a moment, then instantly close as soon as they open, the main windows remains in play mode.

This doesn’t happen when manually opening the extra Players and using the Default play mode scenrio

I’d appreciate some help

Check if Package Manager shows package updates for these. If so, try them.

FWIW I tried to use the scenarios in their first release, but it was so broken I ignored it. Haven’t felt the need for this at all to be honest. It’s rare enough that I change roles or number of players and this is only a few clicks, remove tag, add tag, click checkbox for one, two or three players and it’s done.

Setting up a Scenario is quite a lot of extra work which is justifiable only if you need to test very different scenarios at high frequency, like switching several times a day. I may eventually have one scenario to quickly switch host-client with client-host since debugging the host or client code in the main editor is just a little bit smoother.

Thanks @CodeSmile :slight_smile:

No updates unfortunately.
I agree that I wasn’t using it for what its main purpose is, but as I’m working on a newer project I’m still touching scenes quite a bit, so it would have been nice just to avoid going back to the startup scene each time.

That said, it’s really a small thing…

Oh, in that case it’s a project setup/architecture issue. :wink:

I use only a single scene, the build index 0 scene that always gets loaded. From there I load any scene as necessary. I have a script that sets the playModeStartScene so that I can edit an (additively loaded) content scene but also be able to hit play and the game launches through the normal process.

This would actually additively load these scenes and run their scripts:

  • loads launch scene (skipped instantly in editor)
  • loads title scene (skipped instantly)
  • loads main menu scene (processes MPPM tags, thus launching online play)
  • load online scenes (including the scene I am editing)

Overall I’m in playmode within a fraction of a second because the first three scenes are extremely lightweight. Needless to say the scenes also get unloaded when the next one(s) load(s).