Hi All,
I am trying to add turn based multiplayer to my game (android). I am using the official plugin:
I have followed all instructions on “play-games-plugin-for-unity” but I’m not able to send notifications to the other players I invite.
That’s a part of my code:
PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder()
// registers a callback for turn based match notifications.
PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.TurnBased.TakeTurn(mMatch, mMatchData.ToBytes(), pendingParticipantId, (bool success) =>
Debug.Log("TakeTurn: " + success);
As I understood after I call “takeTurn” all the other players should receive a push notification.
I don’t have any exception but…push notifications do not appear on invited devices!!
If I open “AcceptFromInbox” I can see that my turn is completed and I’m waiting the other player.
Is there something i forgot?
My account and the invited account are configured as testers.
Please let me know…I’m going crazy!