Play services notification issues

Hi All,
I am trying to add turn based multiplayer to my game (android). I am using the official plugin:

I have followed all instructions on “play-games-plugin-for-unity” but I’m not able to send notifications to the other players I invite.

That’s a part of my code:

PlayGamesClientConfiguration config = new PlayGamesClientConfiguration.Builder()

            // registers a callback for turn based match notifications.



PlayGamesPlatform.Instance.TurnBased.TakeTurn(mMatch, mMatchData.ToBytes(), pendingParticipantId, (bool success) =>
                                   Debug.Log("TakeTurn: " + success);

As I understood after I call “takeTurn” all the other players should receive a push notification.
I don’t have any exception but…push notifications do not appear on invited devices!!

If I open “AcceptFromInbox” I can see that my turn is completed and I’m waiting the other player.

Is there something i forgot?
My account and the invited account are configured as testers.

Please let me know…I’m going crazy! :frowning:


i don’t know much about phones but about tablets i’ve read somewhere on Unity Answers that if Synchronization is off then you will not get your notification, you can turn it on from Settings