Play Video

I’m looking for a way to play a video(.mov) as an intro to my game. I cannot find a way to do it as of yet. Any would be greatly appreciated.

You can play video if you have Unity Pro (which will convert the .mov to .ogg).


Great. I have the Pro version. I cannot seem to find the function call that does it though. Can you direct me towards the correct scripting please?

I found some stuff about the MovieTexture but I cannot find any information on how to set it up, such as if it should be applied to a camera similar to how other GUI elements are.

No, it’s just like using a normal texture, except it has functions for playing, stopping, and pausing. Look up MoveiTexture.Play for example.


Look up MovieTexture in the docs and realize you can use them as part of your GUI or as a texture in your scene, it’s up to you. Please also note that if you drop the QT file into your project folder and use from there then the entire video is included in your web player and must be downloaded in full for that level/scene to play. Instead you can use Unity to convert the MOV to OGG format, then not include it in your build and instead load the video at run-time using the WWW class to get streaming video playback.

Im running on the Indie version and its for definate no way of playing movies in this version of Unity?