Hey guys! I’m in the process of converting my game from relying on Mecanim to simply utilizing the Playables API. I’m very excited to do so as it’s much better for the project on paper, but I’ve run into a couple of roadblocks that might be deal-breakers if I can’t find a solution (Google sure can’t).
-Is there a way to Mirror animation clips the way that Mecanim is able to? I was able to find and disable the “Foot IK” with AnimationClipPlayable.SetApplyFootIK (which is helpfully and secretly on by default), but there seems to be no such method for enable Mirroring.
-When setting PlayableGraph.SetTimeUpdateMode to Manual, its own description(link) says that “PlayerController.Tick” must be called to actually advance the time - however, no such method can be found in the Unity documentation (the web description doesn’t even link to the method), and the two other guys on the internet who have posted about this in English seem just as perplexed as I am.
Thanks in advance - and really hope I’m not being cast back into the flaming cesspits of Mecanim!