PlayClipAtPoint or AudioSource component?

Hi Guys,

I’m trying to find the pros and cons of using PlayClipAtPoint, giving each object their own AudioSource, and making an AudioSource pool. Here’s what I see.

A SoundManager managing an AudioSource Pool

  • Will handle when clips can/cannot override each other.
  • Can be called from any class as a Singleton.
  • One simple set up will manage sounds in every scene.
  • Can manage how many clips are being played simultaneously (for optimization).


  • All AudioSources will have the same set up (Unless you create a load of presets to choose from, when making a sound. That could be a lot of work).
  • You can’t play a sound from a location (you can, but PlaySoundAtPoint defeats the object of having a pool of AudioSources). - NOTE: You could have them as children object’s, which move to the location they need to be played, I suppose… but that’s a little more fiddly, and you still miss out on the unique set up of each.

Each GameObject with AudioSource


  • Can give each AudioSource their unique set up (rolloffMode, spacialBlend, all that good stuff).
  • Especially good with prefabs.
  • Keeps nice, clean, component type architecture.
  • No knowledge of the outside world required to use clips.


  • Each has to be manually set up and tweaked.
  • May result in lots and lots of AudioSource’s in the scene, if there’s a lot happening.
  • Cannot manage the number of sounds being played at once.
  • May be difficult to make bulk changes, as Unity cannot manage any nested prefabs.

One AudioSource allowing other classes to call PlayClipAtPoint()


  • Very simple to set up
  • Only one AudioSource required in the scene
  • Can be used as a singleton very easily


  • Cannot easily customize for each individual sound.
  • Whenever called this creates a new AudioSource at the location, which may be garbage collected, possibly actually being a slower process being the scenes (Can anyone clarify this).
  • AudioSources will not follow the object that made the sound (if it’s a moving object).

When you are making sound effects for your game (all enemies, players, environments, ect). How do you do your sounds?


This is really interesting. My mind is blowing up trying to choose…