Player can't collect coin in Unity.

Firstly,Have a nice day all forum members,I have an awkward problem. When I am having approached player to coin,player is not abling to collide coin.How can I do it?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class MadeniTopla : MonoBehaviour
    int sayac = 0;
    public Text metin;
    string Miktar;
    public void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D carpistik)

            sayac+=1; //1 arttırdık.
   void Update()
        Miktar = "Coin:" + " "+ sayac.ToString(); //Burada madeni para miktarı tutulacak.
        metin.text = Miktar;

I’ve told you this before: put in Debug.Log() statements all over your code to find out where and when your code is running.

Nobody else can do this, this is basically the MINIMUM you should do whenever something does not work.

You may want to review the specific documentation for OnTriggerEnter2D to ensure you are meeting ALL the requirements for it to work. ALL of them must be met otherwise … it won’t work!

Thanks sir. I am annoying you I suppose