Player Controller Headaches

I’m not quite sure where to post this since I’m open to scripting it myself or to getting an asset, but I am pulling out my hair over getting a character controller that is right for me.

I’m making a DOOM clone and am just not happy with UFPS or any of Unity’s standard assets.

UFPS is WAY more than I could ever need and gets in my way more than it is a handy tool.

So I started working with the standard assets and tried both the “rigidbodyfirstpersoncontroller” and the “FPScontroller” but neither one is working out.

I started with the FPScontroller and soon found out that applying force (such as rocket jumping) is a MASSIVE headache and you can just trample through enemies that use rigidbodies.

Then the “rigidbodyfirstpersoncontroller” wasn’t much better. I tried hacking away at the current code to make a jump pad work, but I might as well start from scratch as much as I need to change.

I’m basically trying to make something akin to a Quake 3 controller.

Does anyone have any suggestions or tutorials that may help me out?

Check the Unity wiki, there’s some interesting controllers to get you started in there:

Scroll down to Character Controller Scripts section.

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