Player Dies when Collide with enemy

I need Help…


I want a behavior that…
when the enemy collides with my player…

My player Dies…

and the player will fall down to the ground…
w/ camera facing up when player fell…


Sorry for my poooor english >.<

Unity Scripting Reference has alot of information. Also, a search engine is your friend, especially for what you are asking.

These are the relevant Unity Scripting References for your question :

some demonstration videos :

Here is a list of tutorials to get you going :

Start at the bottom and work up : Unity 3D Student - 3d Modelling

Start at the bottom and work up : Unity 3D Student - 3d Modelling

this is the YouTube link for the above as one playlist : Unity Tutorials - Essentials 00 - Projects - - YouTube

the Unity Wiki :

A list of resources : How can I start learning Unity fast? ( List Of Tutorials ) - Unity Answers

The best idea is : Reset Level with collision. (Horror Game) ? and name this folder JS “LoadLevel”. Javascript code :

#pragma strict

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider)
//check if it’s the player that is colliding with this reset object by name/tag or anything else you want
if ( == “Player”)
//do your reset here
Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); //reset this level.

Place this the script in the monster OR an object and (the player has a collision with the moster or object and the result : Restart Game. Hope that helped ! -TheNayer25 / French.