One player complained that there was no way to change the screen resolution in my game; but I’ve noticed that even games like “Inside” (which did extremely well) only allows changing the resolution in full screen mode, and others don’t allow changing it at all. What are we expected to provide for this? When not in fullscreen mode, Unity changes the size of the game window size when the resolution is changed, which may or may not be what players have in mind.
fullscreen resolution setting is definitely required, for example, for people with 4k displays but weak gpus
Ok, but whenever the resolution is changed while the game is running, some of the geometry flashes and other objects are tinted blue. Will that be prevented by using a coroutine to make the change only at the end of a frame and after switching off all cameras? Or how do I prevent the problem, because it’s rather crippling.
To be honest this is most likely a hardware problem and could be anything from a cable coming loose to the monitor or the graphics card dying. There is a possibility it’s the driver software but it’s definitely not the game engine unless it’s happening on every single device you’ve tried.
It only happens in a build; and it has happened on two machines I’ve tested it on.
If you’re talking PC games, players will expect a Windowed mode available, and full screen modes to have adjustable resolutions through an in game UI. Players will prefer that making changes don’t require a restart of the game, but will grudgingly tolerate it if they have to since these are settings they generally shouldn’t have to change often (though Unity itself is generally fine with not having to restart the game).
FYI, most PC gamers prefer windowed mode, because they often have other things running at the same time they want to quickly flip between (and alt tabbing sucks because many games use these keys in game). Such as discord, TS3, netflix, youtube, other games, etc.
But what causes some of the geometry to be tinted (usually blue or white) after changing either the resolution or fullscreen mode? It happens on both machines I tested it on. Reloading the level solves it, but I’d rather not have to do that. Will refreshing reflection probes solve it? The reason I’m asking rather than trying it is because it can only be done in a build and it takes a long time to recompile a build and then test it.
Could be a bug in Unity that is resolved in a later editor version, could be something specific to the two computers you tested on, don’t know without investigating.
Personally, as a PC gamer, I love full screen mode. I basically never play games in Windowed mode. In my experience, which is mostly first person shooter style games, Windowed mode often results in the mouse falling off the Windowed game. Some streamers will play in Windowed mode, but I don’t think “most” PC gamers in general will play in Windowed. The Windowed vs Fullscreen option needs to be available for end users to choose.
As for resolutions, make sure all of them are available to choose from in game. Also, make sure you let players cycle through the entire list of available screen resolutions but don’t actually change the resolution until the user clicks an Apply button. Users definitely expect to have an Apply button.
I have not run into any problems with strange colors when changing screen resolution or fullscreen mode in game.
Are you referring to fullscreen windowed? Or actually running the game in a window? Because most of the gamers I know do prefer windowed but not an actual window. They prefer to run the game fullscreen windowed because they can alt-tab while simultaneously not having the problems mentioned by @ShilohGames .
Sorry, I was referring to both at the same time. Even in full screen windowed mode most games will still allow the mouse to seemlessly exit the main display to interact with other applications on other displays, which is done commonly by gamers using 3rd party communication apps.
I suspect this is very audience dependent. Don’t assume that the Twitch / Discord / multi-monitor / etc. crowds are the norm, and don’t assume that the people in your circles represent the majority of those who might play a game.