Currently using Unity 2017.3.0f3, and it seems as if the character had a default PlatformerCharacter2D script tied to it. I want to make the private bool m_FacingRight
variable public or let my CameraRunner script have access to it, but I’m not sure how to access it from CameraRunner. The public Transform player;
variable doesn’t seem to have access to the public method I made to get the value.
How do I access the facing value so that I can adjust the camera position + 6 for facing right and -6 for facing left?
if you want to access it from another script ,it should be a public variable,
for example
public bool m_FacingRight;
public script1 s1;
void Start(){
s1=FindObjectOfType< script1> ();//now you can access to script1 with s1
//this code search all objects in the scene and will find the object that has script1 script.
public void accessToScriptOne(){
You have to edit the PlatformerCharacter2D script. Either make the variable public from
private bool m_FacingRight;
public bool m_FacingRight;
or create a property for it
private bool m_FacingRight;
public bool FacingRight
get { return m_FacingRight; }
In order to access the variable, you need a reference to the PlatformerCharacter2D script.
private PlatformerCharacter2D platformChar2D;
platformChar2D = player.GetComponent<PlatformerCharacter2D>()
Now you can access the variable from the script using the two methods posted above. If you change it to a public variable
or use the property method