Hi there! I’m creating a world streamer for my open world 3D game and I’m having an issue.
My setup is that I have a player character and a world map made up of chunks. Each chunk right now is just a cube with its own box collider. When the player moves from one chunk to another, both the player and the mapa re re-centered. This is to avoid issues with floating point precision in large worlds.
So, if the World Streamer detects player transitions to a new chunk, the player is teleported to the center position, and the world map is shifted (in that order) in order to form a seamless transition, such that the player doesn’t know this is happening in the background.
The issue is that, sometimes, the player falls right through. I assume it has to do with how often the physics VS positions are checked, but I don’t know how to remedy this.
I was trying to reproduce the issue but it doesn’t happen a ton.
Any thoughts or help with this would be really great.