How do the player below where it is being pressed on the screen, that is, always follow the user’s finger.
You should probably read some basics, or if you have, show us what you tried and what problems you are having. Other than that, here is a start:
transform.position = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.MousePosition);
…and some things to read:
If you want this to work with both touch input and the mouse, and you don’t need to do anything special for multiple fingers, multi-touch… just use Input.MousePosition, instead of Input.Touches… so that it works for both mouse and touch.
This is not a Windows specific platform question, this is a general Unity scripting question, which should be better asked in the Scripting forum.
This is also a very basic question, I would suggest doing some tutorials for a few weeks and googling for any simple questions such as this, they have been answered many times.