Player got destroyed "DestroyPlayerObjects" called by Photon EventCode: Leave Photon

Sometimes after the game starts, the player disappears from the game. No error appears, the game object is removed from the scene and nothing else happens.

mainPlayer = (GameObject)PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(“playerName”,, Quaternion.identity);

The player has a photon view and the only observed component is “PhotonRigidbodyView”.
I checked the “Photon stats gui” and I have really low resends.

I back traced the destruction of the player and I found that photon calls “DestroyPlayerObjects”.
The “DestroyPlayerObjects” is triggered by the Photon Leave event, but I don’t leave the room.

I don’t know how to resolve that, does anyone have an idea regarding the cause?

bur same error

Try attaching the support logger and see whether there are any disconnect logs in the console.