Player is not moving on join

I currently have this basic multiplayer system where I can either create a server, join as a host, or join as a client. I can do all but when i join as a client, the client cannot move and the camera vibrates violently and I do not know what is going on.

Here is my script for handling the multiplayer connections:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Unity.Netcode;

public class mainMenuHandler : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private Button serverBtn;
    [SerializeField] private Button hostBtn;
    [SerializeField] private Button clientBtn;
    [SerializeField] private GameObject dStroy;
    private void ApprovalCheck(NetworkManager.ConnectionApprovalRequest request, NetworkManager.ConnectionApprovalResponse response)
        // The client identifier to be authenticated
        var clientId = request.ClientNetworkId;

        // Additional connection data defined by user code
        var connectionData = request.Payload;

        // Your approval logic determines the following values
        response.Approved = true;
        response.CreatePlayerObject = true;

        // The Prefab hash value of the NetworkPrefab, if null the default NetworkManager player Prefab is used
        response.PlayerPrefabHash = null;

        // Position to spawn the player object (if null it uses default of
        response.Position =;

        // Rotation to spawn the player object (if null it uses the default of Quaternion.identity)
        response.Rotation = Quaternion.identity;

        // If response.Approved is false, you can provide a message that explains the reason why via ConnectionApprovalResponse.Reason
        // On the client-side, NetworkManager.DisconnectReason will be populated with this message via DisconnectReasonMessage
        response.Reason = "Some reason for not approving the client";

        // If additional approval steps are needed, set this to true until the additional steps are complete
        // once it transitions from true to false the connection approval response will be processed.
        response.Pending = false;
    private void Awake() {
        serverBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => {
        hostBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => {
            NetworkManager.Singleton.ConnectionApprovalCallback = ApprovalCheck;
        clientBtn.onClick.AddListener(() => {
            if (NetworkManager.Singleton.StartClient()) {
                Debug.Log("Client started successfully!");
            else {
                Debug.Log("Client failed to start.");

This is my movement / player input handler (sorry about the messy code)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using System;
using UnityEditor;
using Unity.Mathematics;
//using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView;
using UnityEngine.TextCore.Text;
using Unity.Netcode;
using Unity.Netcode.Components;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
//using UnityEditor.ShaderGraph.Internal;
using Unity.Burst.Intrinsics;
//using UnityEditor.Animations;
using UnityEngine.Animations;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;

public class PlayerInputHandler : NetworkBehaviour
    //grabs the bound inputsystem class into this script
    private InputSystem inputSystem;

    public CharacterController cController;

    //Object for moving in direction of camera
    [Header("Direction of movement")]
    public Transform orientation;
    //public Transform other_orientatino;
    [Header("Speed Gravity and RunMultiplier")]
    public float groundDistance;
    public float vVelocity;
    public float gravity;
    public float speed;
    public float runMultiplier;
    private bool isGrounded = true; //Chekcs whether the player is touching the ground or not
    public bool touchGround;
    public LayerMask layermask;

    private Vector3 yVelocity;

    //Animators in both rigs//
    public GameObject FP_rigAnimator;
    public GameObject GUN_rigAnimator;
    private Animator fpAnimator;
    private  Animator gunAnimator;

    private bool isReloading = false;


    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Awake()
        //ReturnReloadFinishedScript = GUN_rigAnimator.GetComponent<ReturnReloadFinishedEvent>();
        //grabs the animator objects when the game runs. 
        fpAnimator = FP_rigAnimator.GetComponent<Animator>();
        gunAnimator = GUN_rigAnimator.GetComponent<Animator>();
        //Initialize input system
        inputSystem = new InputSystem();
        //Find Bool var
    //Fixed update should be used with physics stuff. Fixed udpate runs in step with fixed update
    void FixedUpdate()
        //checks to see if the player object is the owner or not. if it isn't then it won't move other players
        if (!IsOwner) {

        //Ground Check
        isGrounded = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, groundDistance, layermask);
        if (!isGrounded && yVelocity.y > 0) {
            yVelocity.y = gravity;

        //Get Player Inputs
        float r = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.R.ReadValue<float>();
        float w = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.W.ReadValue<float>();
        float a = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.A.ReadValue<float>();
        float s = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.S.ReadValue<float>();
        float d = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.D.ReadValue<float>();
        float shift = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.Shift.ReadValue<float>();
        float mouseClick = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.mouseClick.ReadValue<float>();
        float spacebar = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.Space.ReadValue<float>();
        if (mouseClick > 0.0f && !fpAnimator.GetBool("Fire")) {
            fpAnimator.SetBool("Fire", true);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("Fire", true);
        else if (mouseClick == 0.0f && fpAnimator.GetBool("Fire")) {
            fpAnimator.SetBool("Fire", false);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("Fire", false);

        if (r > 0.0f && !fpAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("FP_RELOAD")) {
            fpAnimator.SetBool("Reload", true);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("Reload", true);
        else {
            fpAnimator.SetBool("Reload", false);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("Reload", false);

        if (!isReloading && (w > 0.0f || a > 0.0f || s > 0.0f || d > 0.0f) && shift == 0.0f && !fpAnimator.GetBool("isWalking")) {
            fpAnimator.SetBool("isWalking", true);
            fpAnimator.SetBool("isRunning", false);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("isWalking", true);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("isRunning", false);
            //gunAnimator.SetBool("isWalking", true);
        else if (!isReloading && (w > 0.0f || a > 0.0f || s > 0.0f || d > 0.0f) && shift > 0.0f && !fpAnimator.GetBool("isRunning")) {
            fpAnimator.SetBool("isWalking", false);
            fpAnimator.SetBool("isRunning", true);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("isWalking", false);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("isRunning", true);
        else if (w == 0.0f && a == 0.0f && s == 0.0f && d == 0.0f){
            fpAnimator.SetBool("isWalking", false);
            fpAnimator.SetBool("isRunning", false);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("isWalking", false);
            gunAnimator.SetBool("isRunning", false);

        print("Running: (FP ANIMATOR)" + fpAnimator.GetBool("isRunning") + ",  (GUN ANIMATOR) " + gunAnimator.GetBool("isRunning") + '\n' + "Walking: (FP ANIMATOR)" + fpAnimator.GetBool("isWalking") + ",  (GUN ANIMATOR) " + gunAnimator.GetBool("isWalking"));

        touchGround = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, 1.2f, layermask);
        if (spacebar > 0.0f && (touchGround)) { 
            yVelocity.y = vVelocity-gravity*Time.deltaTime;

        shift = shift * runMultiplier;
        //Set up movement direction
        float xAccel = d - a;
        float zAccel = w - s;
        //Vector Normalization
        float length = (float)Math.Sqrt(xAccel * xAccel + zAccel * zAccel);

        //Set direction to orientation direction, sets up Vector3
        Vector3 forward = orientation.forward * zAccel / length * speed;    
        Vector3 right = orientation.right * xAccel / length * speed;
        //Debug.Log("Forward Values: " + forward + "\n" + "rightLeft Values: " + right);
        if (shift > 0.0f) {
            forward *= shift;
            right *= shift;

        //Debug.Log(forward + right + yVelocity);
        if (length > 1.0e-6f) {
            movePlayerOnServerSideServerRpc(forward, right, yVelocity, true);
        else if (spacebar == 0.0f) {
            movePlayerOnServerSideServerRpc(forward, right, yVelocity, false);

        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(orientation.forward);

    public void switchReloadStatus() {
        isReloading = !isReloading;

    private void movePlayerOnServerSideServerRpc(Vector3 forward, Vector3 leftRight, Vector3 yVelocity, bool isJump) {
        if (isJump) {
            cController.Move(forward + leftRight + yVelocity * Time.deltaTime);
        else {
            cController.Move(yVelocity * Time.deltaTime);
//Sprint speed multiplied by runMultiplier
        shift = inputSystem.PlayerInputs.Shift.ReadValue<float>() * runMultiplier;

        //Set up movement direction
        float xAccel = d - a;
        float zAccel = w - s;

        //Vector Normalization
        float length = (float)Math.Sqrt(xAccel * xAccel + zAccel * zAccel);

        //Set direction to orientation direction, sets up Vector3
        Vector3 forward = orientation.forward * zAccel / length * speed;
        Vector3 right = orientation.right * xAccel / length * speed;

        //Check is shift down
        if (shift != 0.0f) {
            forward *= shift;
            right *= shift;

        //if length isnt 0 then move player by forward and right
        if (length > 1.0e-6f) {
            rb.AddForce(forward + right, ForceMode.Impulse);
        else {

This piece of code makes sure to disable any scripts that the player who joined / created the server doesn’t own

using UnityEngine;
using Unity.Netcode;

public class OwnerComponentManager : NetworkBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private GameObject objectus;
    public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
        objectus.SetActive(IsOwner); // only enable PLAYER'S CAPSULE, all others will stay disabled

Please let me know if you need more information!