Player is now behind Tiled2Unity map

I’ve imported the map and the scaling and everything is right, but now the background layer and ground layer are in front of my player, am I missing something big here? Thanks in advance

I don’t know how Tiled2Unity works, but have you tried moving the player’s Z position?

(assuming you’re in 2D mode, switch that off with the button at the top of the scene view - you should be able to rotate the view around and see how things are sorted depth-wise.)

See this worked for the background, but not the Ground, These are two separate layers in Tiled but when looking in Unity in 3D The player while clearly in front of the ground still has his legs hiding in the grass, it’s like they just dissapear.

I know you don’t know how Tiled2Unity works but do you ahve any idea why this may be happening?


hi there, I don’t see if you are using unity sprites, but if that is the case, try changing your player sprite’s “Order in Layer” setting, it changes the sorting order of sprites…

My experience with tiled to unity definitely came down to making sure I assigned my sprite layers and made sure the Player ranked above the imported layers from Tiled. In my case I only had three layers, Units, Wall, Floor, Player was assigned to Units which I set to appear above all other layers.

To be more clear, I mean I set the sprite layer on the sprite renderer on each game object. In my case the layer carried over from Tiled without any additional effort. I just had to make sure my player gameobject was set to its own layer, and that the layer was set to the top of the list.

Awesome! Changing the Order In Layer did the trick, cheers guys!

How do I do it if my animations can’t change the order in layer?