Player jumps but just keeps going up

I’ve relatively new to Unity.

I’m using the Starter Third Person Controller and imported a new character. It was working fine, but now when the character jumps, it just keeps going up and never comes down.

I think it was somehow related to some changes I was making, but I can’t figure it out at all. I had scaled the character down to be a bit smaller, but it seemed as though the collision area (cylinder?) wasn’t shrinking as well as the character was still running into things overhead. Anyway, playing around with that somehow created the jumping issue.

Here are my settings: Dropbox - Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 7.50.03 PM.png - Simplify your life

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First of all, no sane user is going to be clicking on links. Post your code using the proper formatting.

You issue is probably just a simple bool that doesn’t reset.

Is that’s not the issue then it means it is…

Time to start debugging!!! Here is how you can begin your exciting new debugging adventures!

Debugging can allow you to get all the information you need to discover what the problem is. Once you actually know the problem, only then will you be able to create a solution…

The most coming issue that happens is one of the following:

  • the code you think is running isn’t
  • the code is running sooner or later than you think
  • the code is running less or more often than you think
  • the code is running somewhere else than you think it is
  • you haven’t look at the previous errors or warnings in the console

To help gain more insight into your problem, I recommend literally sprinkling Debug.Log() statements everywhere near the source of the problem to display all the information in realtime.

“When in doubt, Debug.log it out!"

If a player jumps but keeps going up indefinitely, it’s usually a result of a glitch or an issue with the game’s physics engine. In most games, gravity or a jump limit should eventually bring the player back down. This problem could be caused by improper jump force values, a bug in collision detection, or a failure in resetting the vertical velocity after the jump. It might also occur if the game’s gravity setting is too weak or disabled. To resolve it, developers should check the game’s physics properties and ensure proper control over jump mechanics and gravity.