My player model’s capsule collider is for some reason disconnecte from the actual character model. To make matters worse, my player character sinks halfway into the ground when I run the game. I have the kinematics part checked on, and this is the result.
So I’m asking for help from the great hivemind known as the unity community for some help, as I’ve looked into the problem via the tutorial I’m following, but it didn’t solve the issue at hand. The images I’m providing show the problem I’m facing and I really do need help.
With zero info about how your character is set up, the great hivemind can’t do much
Are you using a CapsuleCollider? A CharacterController? Since you mention kinematic is checked on, I assume there’s a Rigidbody somewhere? Are the character’s MeshRenderer/SkinnedMeshRenderer and the CapsuleCollider on the same object? Are they separated? etc…
Yes, I’ve double-checked everything, the character uses a CapsuleCollider and CharacterController, and the rigid body is attached to the character as well. Everything should be attached properly as the tutorial says and this is coming the Brackeys tutorial, and I’ve checked his character video, but nothing tells me what to do here.
Well, could you at least post a link to the tutorial you’re following? That way we can identify potential pitfalls that you might have encountered.
A CharacterController component already performs collision detection using a capsule, and moves the character kinematically. Adding a CapsuleCollider too (for collision detection) serves no purpose. Adding a Rigidbody (for dynamics) also makes no sense.
Typically you use either a CharacterController, or a Rigidbody + CapsuleCollider, not all three at once. (unless you’ve written a CharacterControllerScript component of your own and are not referring to Unity’s built-in CharacterController, in that case we’re talking about different stuff).
We still don’t know which tutorial you’re following, so this doesn’t mean much. The tutorial could be wrong, or you might not be following it correctly. Either way, there’s tons of information missing here (and the bits you did provide are quite contradictory) so we can’t do much!