Player movement wrong akse


I have a problem where my player (a cube) is moving out of the wrong akse. When I start my game it’s going fine but when I rotate it and move forward it’s going out of the global akse and not the local like I want.

Here is the code I’m using to move my player:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerScript : MonoBehaviour 
//Public variables
public int PlayerMovementSpeed = 1;
public int PlayerRotationSpeed = 1;
//Private variables
Vector3 currentDirrection = new Vector3(0,0,0);
	void FixedUpdate () 
		currentDirrection = new Vector3(0,0,0);
		//Going forward on Input "Forward"
			currentDirrection += Vector3.forward;
		//Going backward on Input "Backward"
			currentDirrection += Vector3.back;
		//Turning to the right on Input "Right"
			rigidbody.angularVelocity += Vector3.up * PlayerRotationSpeed;
		//Turning to the left on Input "Left"
			rigidbody.angularVelocity += Vector3.down * PlayerRotationSpeed;
		rigidbody.velocity = currentDirrection * PlayerMovementSpeed;

Thanks in advanse (I’m pretty new to unity so be gentle)

You’re using Vector3.forward instead of using transform.forward

The first one is global, the second one is local. Honestly you could just be using

Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");  //This gives you left and right buttons
Input.GetAxis("Vertical");   //This gives you forward and back buttons