My terrain is very hilly and has gentle slopes and therefore the player almost slips instead of falling. It is necessary that the player died while descending from the mountains. I tried to apply the rigidbody, but not much has changed. Any ideas? Thanks.
The collider should have a Physic Material on it. By adjusting or replacing that material, you should be able to make the ground more slippery for the player.
If you don’t want it to be more slippery, but instead just want to detect when they start to slip, maybe you could track the movement given directly to the player by the controls, and compare it to their actual final velocity each frame. If they start moving in uncontrolled ways, then they are slipping. You could then either play an animation, or give them an extra push in that direction to send them tumbling down.
(The specific method for #2 depends on how you are moving the player.)