My (Unity) player is in a kneeling position and crying, she will not move. There are no errors present in the Black Rocket Layout.,HI, so I am in a class, and I’m creating a 3d video game. Now, when I press play, my character looks like it’s crying. No errors are appearing, but I’m quite frankly tired of trying to figure this out. Thanks!
Based off of your comment, it’s nulling out that it can’t find the game object with the tag “MainCamera”…
So, you can try replacing that line, with: Camera.main.transform.
Warning 1: Unable to open Assets/3DVG/Materials/Other (Do Not Edit)/Background Scripts/PlayerMove.cs: Check external application preferences.
Warning 2: No ‘floorChecks’ assigned to PlayerMove script, so a single floorcheck has been created
UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object, Object)
PlayerMove:Awake() (at Assets/3DVG/Materials/Other (Do Not Edit)/Background Scripts/PlayerMove.cs:68)
Error: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
PlayerMove.Awake () (at Assets/3DVG/Materials/Other (Do Not Edit)/Background Scripts/PlayerMove.cs:77)
What change should I make to (Line 77):
mainCam = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(“MainCamera”).transform;