Player Object goes out of control when NOT kinematic

Hi there.
I’m just getting around to adding collisions in a space exploration game I’ve been developing. My planets have rigid bodies, and I’ve added sphere colliders to them and my player.
Trouble is my player object (which is a camera) goes out of control when the ‘isKinematic’ check box is empty and objects need to be non-kinematic to trigger collision events…

I’ve turned off gravity. Is there any other set of forces at work causing my player to spin out of control? Or is there some other setting that I’ve missed, that might cause this behaviour? Or is the problem that you can’t sent the position of a non-kinematic object?

Any help, much appreciated.

How is the player object acting with other objects containing collision components on the scene disabled? Is it then also spinning out of control?

Do you mean: have the planets and other objects kinematic, and have just the player non-kinematic?
I haven’t tried this, but I will.

Given that the game has so much space in it, and all of the planets (and space stations) are guided by code (objects rotating other objects, rotating other objects, etc) I’m beginning to wonder if it would make more sense to have everything kinematic. Is that unwise? But I’ll let you know how your suggested test goes…