Hi so I’m using UNET to test out network for my game, I’ve got all the basics sorted: Network ID (with local player authority ticked) and Network transform attatched to my player prefab, then on a NetworkManager empty gameobject I have the Network Manager and Network Manager HUD script attatched. My game is tile based so you click on a tile and it uses Dijkstra pathfinding to move its way around obstacles and figure out the shortest path.
The problem I have is that I’ve created a prefab of my player and deleted the original from my hierachy. I’ve then double checked I’ve reasigned everything to do with the player transform to my own scripts. I’ve also checked I do have the prefab of the player as “Player Prefab” in the Network Manager script. But when I test it out with ‘LAN host’ ingame my character and everything else spawns alright, but I can’t move my character. Whenever I click on a tile my character doesn’t move, it does nothing. In the normal setup without the networking I can move around freely.
I have been messing around trying to fix it, I’ve tried changing it so in my scripts it looks for the “(Clone)” of the player which has spawned and use that as the transform.position for the player movement. I’ve also tried using tags for my player and using FindGameObjectWithTag. One thing that does seem to work is that if I reassign my player(Clone) (the prefab that the Network Manager has spawned) from my hierachy to my tile movement scripts I can seem to get it to work and move around normally, however only If I manually reassign them.
If you need any of my tile movement scripts to check whats going on with this issue then please do ask.
Any Suggestions? Btw I’m not sure if this was a Networking or Script issue but I decided to post it here seeing as I think its the overshadowing problem.