Hello to all, I was wondering if anyone out there on the this wide world of 8 billion people could lend me just a moment of there time and help me out with some scripting problems I’ve being having.
Know firstly before I start I’ve being using the simple health system that I obtain on the Unity Asset store (Grid Digital - Simple Health System) to create a health system. Know I am aware that the way the script works is that when the enemy hits the player a heart will disappear on the player GUI.
In case you’s are not aware of what this script looks like, it is as followed…
var OneHeart : Texture2D; //These variables contain the textures used for the gui.
var TwoHearts : Texture2D;
var ThreeHearts : Texture2D;
var FourHearts : Texture2D;
var NoHearts : Texture2D;
static var Hearts : int = 4; //This is the amount of hearts the character has.
var startPosition : Transform;
function Update (){
if(Hearts == 4){ //These if statements change the Gui Texture based on the static var Hearts.
if(Hearts == 3){
if(Hearts == 2){
if(Hearts == 1){
if(Hearts == 0){
if(Hearts > 4){ //These two if statements keep the static var Hearts within the 0-4 range.
Hearts = 4;
if(Hearts < 0){
Hearts = 0;
//CompareTag ("Player").transform.position = startPosition;
//guiTexture.texture = FourHearts;
Know I’ve writing a simple respawn script that uses the above script, it is as follows…
var OneHeart : Texture2D; //These variables contain the textures used for the gui.
var TwoHearts : Texture2D;
var ThreeHearts : Texture2D;
var FourHearts : Texture2D;
var NoHearts : Texture2D;
static var Hearts : int = 4; //This is the amount of hearts the character has.
var startPosition : Transform;
function OnTriggerEnter(theCollider : Collider)
if(Hearts < 0){
Hearts = 0;
CompareTag ("Player").transform.position = startPosition;
guiTexture.texture = FourHearts;
Furthermore the script seems to work, in the sense that there is no errors, however the player won’t respawn back at his original starting position. I was wondering if someone could look over the script and tell me if there was something wrong with it, any and all help would be great.
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