So I have a combination of anchors and a canvas with scale with screen size to make sure everything fits onto the screen. In my game I also have 5 spawnpoints for things to drop out of. These spawnpoints don’t adjust to the size of the canvas, making the game unplayable and weird. How can I make sure that the spawnpoints adjust to the canvas?
The dot on the top is the middle spawnpoint.
I also have a player in the form of a bucket. How can I adjust the speed variable in my script to work well with the size of the canvas?
you can get the current screen size and calculate a position based on that. Have to ask though, why are you using the canvas for your moving objects and not a sprite on a gameobject in world space?
Thanks for the help! I’m not sure on how to do that, so I would really appreciate some help. As for the canvas, this is my first game and I’m still learning Unity so I didn’t do this. Perhaps I will implement that somehow.
I just realized that the position of the canvas changes with the size. Is there any way to get around this with reference to my problem above?