Hello, I recently made a topic about the rotation of my player’s trail wich is solved. But I’m now encountering several issues :
1 - The game’s fps drops over time due to trail generation, but I want it to stay until the player dies.
2 - I tried tweaking my script to directly remove the trail when dying but it still delays the removal.
3 - I added a jump to the player but the trail is jerky and I want it to be “clean” :
This is the script I’m using for the trail generation (I tweaked it a bit but it’s still from him : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIKYK8qbdG0) :
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class TrailMeshGenerator : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] Transform followPos;
[SerializeField] float height = 1f;
[SerializeField] float width = 0.001f;
[SerializeField] float destroyTrailAfterSecond;
[SerializeField] Material trailMaterial;
[SerializeField] float spawnDelay = 0.01f;
public TimerScript timer;
public float yAngleRotation;
public DeathScript death;
bool firstTime = true;
GameObject trail;
MeshFilter meshFilter;
MeshCollider meshCollider;
List<Vector3> verticesDef;
List<int> triangleDef;
bool isEven = true;
int x;
float currentSpawnTrailTime = 0;
const string addMeshstrName = "AddMesh";
public void SetFollowPos(Transform pos)
followPos = pos;
void Start()
if (followPos == null)
Debug.LogError("followPos is not assigned in TrailMeshGenerator.");
meshFilter = GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
if (meshFilter == null)
Debug.LogError("MeshFilter is missing in TrailMeshGenerator.");
InvokeRepeating(addMeshstrName, 0, spawnDelay);
public void AddMesh()
/*if (currentSpawnTrailTime > destroyTrailAfterSecond)
if (death.isAlive == false)
void Update()
currentSpawnTrailTime += Time.deltaTime;
if (timer.isO == true)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.LeftArrow))
// Rotation à gauche
transform.Rotate(0f, -yAngleRotation, 0f);
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))
// Rotation à droite
transform.Rotate(0f, yAngleRotation, 0f);
private void MonoLine()
Vector3[] vertices = null;
int[] triangles = null;
var backward = followPos.transform.position - (followPos.transform.forward);
if (firstTime)
vertices = new Vector3[]
backward + (followPos.transform.right * -width),
backward - (followPos.transform.right * -width),
backward - (followPos.transform.right * -width) + followPos.transform.up * height,
backward + (followPos.transform.right * -width) + followPos.transform.up * height,
triangles = new int[]
0, 2, 1,
0, 3, 2,
trail = new GameObject();
trail.tag = "Head Trails";
trail.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Trail");
meshFilter = trail.AddComponent<MeshFilter>();
trail.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>().material = trailMaterial;
meshCollider = trail.AddComponent<MeshCollider>();
meshCollider.sharedMesh = meshFilter.mesh;
verticesDef = new List<Vector3>();
triangleDef = new List<int>();
foreach (var v in vertices)
foreach (var t in triangles)
meshFilter.mesh.vertices = vertices;
meshFilter.mesh.triangles = triangles;
isEven = false;
firstTime = false;
x = 4;
if (isEven)
verticesDef.Add(backward + (followPos.transform.right * -width));
verticesDef.Add(backward - (followPos.transform.right * -width));
verticesDef.Add(backward - (followPos.transform.right * -width) + followPos.transform.up * height);
verticesDef.Add(backward + (followPos.transform.right * -width) + followPos.transform.up * height);
//left face
triangleDef.Add(x - 4); //0
triangleDef.Add(x - 1); //3
triangleDef.Add(x); //4
triangleDef.Add(x - 4); //0
triangleDef.Add(x); //4
triangleDef.Add(x + 3); //7
//top face
triangleDef.Add(x - 4); //0
triangleDef.Add(x + 3); //7
triangleDef.Add(x + 2); //6
triangleDef.Add(x - 4); //0
triangleDef.Add(x + 2); //6
triangleDef.Add(x - 3); //1
//right face
triangleDef.Add(x - 3); //5
triangleDef.Add(x + 2); //10
triangleDef.Add(x + 1); //9
triangleDef.Add(x - 3); //5
triangleDef.Add(x + 1); //9
triangleDef.Add(x - 2); //6
isEven = false;
verticesDef.Add(backward + (followPos.transform.right * -width) + followPos.transform.up * height);
verticesDef.Add(backward - (followPos.transform.right * -width) + followPos.transform.up * height);
verticesDef.Add(backward - (followPos.transform.right * -width));
verticesDef.Add(backward + (followPos.transform.right * -width));
//left face
triangleDef.Add(x - 4); //0
triangleDef.Add(x + 3); //7
triangleDef.Add(x); //4
triangleDef.Add(x - 4); //0
triangleDef.Add(x); //4
triangleDef.Add(x - 1); //3
//top face
triangleDef.Add(x - 2); //2
triangleDef.Add(x - 1); //3
triangleDef.Add(x); //4
triangleDef.Add(x - 2); //2
triangleDef.Add(x); //4
triangleDef.Add(x + 1); //5
//right face
triangleDef.Add(x - 3); //5
triangleDef.Add(x - 2); //6
triangleDef.Add(x + 1); //9
triangleDef.Add(x - 3); //5
triangleDef.Add(x + 1); //9
triangleDef.Add(x + 2); //10
isEven = true;
x += 4;
meshFilter.mesh.vertices = verticesDef.ToArray();
meshFilter.mesh.triangles = triangleDef.ToArray();
meshCollider.sharedMesh = meshFilter.mesh;
// Debug.Log(x +" bounds->" +meshFilter.mesh.bounds.size.magnitude);
private void RemoveMesh()
// Remove 4 vertices
verticesDef.RemoveRange(0, 4);
// Remove 18 triangles
triangleDef.RemoveRange(triangleDef.Count - 18, 18);
// Clear the mesh
// Set vertices and triangles
meshFilter.mesh.vertices = verticesDef.ToArray();
meshFilter.mesh.triangles = triangleDef.ToArray();
// Update x
x -= 4;
I greatly appreciate any help