player vanishes when move camera up


My charater controller dissapears when I rotate the camera up when the the controller is on bottom of the screen. So I rotate the camera up and the animayed model feet/legs etc start to vanish before the charater goes out of view.

It is not a good look.

I have a player - mouselook script (looks X) (animated character with joints)
child - Camera - mouselook script (looks Y)

On the player I have a script that rotates the player
child1.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, transform.eulerAngles.y, 0);

It works fine until I rotate the camera up and my player’s body starts to dissapear .
The camera rotation follows the mouse and the player is ceneterd in the screen.

Have I setup my camera wrongly?

From what I understand, you need to check the Far Clip Pane settings on the camera. It’s possible it’s too low, however by default it’s usually at 1000 (and if you stick to Unity’s 1unit = 1 meter scale, that gives you a view of a kilometer in your scene. So CHeck that, or check the scale of your character isn’t too large.