PlayerControlled movement of child of moving object

hi, im not entirely sure if this has been asked or not, but i couldnt find any solution to this…
what i want to do is moving a character on a moving platform. character movement works fine (im using rigidbody.moveposition) but as soon as its a child of a moving object, movement freezes (by that i mean it follows the parent, but the player input is ignored, i cant move the character once the platform moves (jumping works though, which i do by addforce)). the parent is an empty gameobj that holds the platform. the platformmovementscript is attached to the empty. i dont know what im doing wrong, and when i looked it up, people just said, set the platform as parent, which works fine for them apparently. i appreciate your help and thank you in advance!

okay, fixed it. i called rigidbody.moveposition in update () instead of fixedupdate ().