PlayerHealth drops fast and wont reset

Need help with my player health. when the enemy collides with my player the health goes from 100 to 0 in 1 or 2 second. it drops fast and it will not reset the health back to 100. here are my java scripts. this is for a mobile game that i am working on.

PlayerHealth Script:

var enemyDead: boolean = false;
static var playerHealth: float = 100;
var LavaDeath: boolean = false;
var enemy1: Rigidbody;
var enemy2: Rigidbody;
var prefab: Transform;

function Start(){
playerHealth = 100;


function Update(){

if(playerHealth <= 0){



function OnGUI(){
GUI.Label(Rect(100, 100, 50, 50), "Player Health: " + playerHealth );


function OnControllerColliderHit(hit: ControllerColliderHit) {

if(hit.gameObject.tag == “Lever”){


if(hit.collider.tag == “Floor”){
print(“Floor Trigger Active!!!”);

if(hit.gameObject.tag == “enemy1” || hit.gameObject.tag == “enemy2”){

playerHealth -= 5;


if(hit.collider.tag == “LavaDeath”){

Destroy(gameObject, 2);

print(“Im On Fire!!”);




var thePlayer: GameObject;
var enemyHealth = 0;
var attackRate = 0.0;
var attackTime = 0.0;
var enemySpeed = 0.0;

function awake(){
enemyHealth = Random.Range (2,3);

function Update () {
var dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, thePlayer.transform.position);

if(Time.time > attackTime){
attackTime = Time.time + attackRate;


function OnControllerColliderHit(other: ControllerColliderHit) {

if(other.gameObject.tag == “Player”){
enemyHealth --;
print(“Player Has Hit Me!”);


if(enemyHealth <= 0){



The health drops fast because it hits the enemy repeatedly. When it collides, it keeps on colliding, and that’s what subtract the health so fast. So, create a boolean. Check if it hits the enemy. If it does, then subtract the health and wait 2 or 3 seconds until the health can be decreased once again.

For example :

//For checking if we are being hit
var beingHit : boolean = false;

if(hit.gameObject.tag == "enemy1" || hit.gameObject.tag == "enemy2"){

    //Check: Subtract health only once per hit
    if (!beingHit) {

        playerHealth -= 5;
        beingHit = true;
        canBeHitAgain ();


function canBeHitAgain ()  {

    //Wait for a few second. Then we can subtract health again
    yield WaitForSeconds (2);
    beingHit = false;


Hope this helps!