I have 2 control schemes: Gamepad, Touchscreen. if devices that are associated with seperate schemes are used at the same time crash occurs - both in Editor and build.
Though disabling Auto-Switch and manually calling PlayerInput.SwitchCurrentControlScheme helps it requires checking if other device isn’t active. I wonder if there is a way to keep Auto-Switch ON and prevent crashes.
Sorry you are experiencing a crash like this. It does sound like something we need to fix. Did you already open a Bug report when the Crash happened?
Freeze is better word actually than crash.
The Bug report window doesn’t show.
Unity Editor ceases to respond and cannot be activated (brought back as front window).
BUT music from the project, frozen play mode, still plays.
In Windows Task Manager values of resources used by Editor keep changing.
Maybe this actions start indefinite loop?
Thank you. Can I change the title of this issue to “cause freeze” instead of crash? Just to be more specific.
Also, what’s the Gamepad you are having this issue? Thanks.
It’s XBOX gamepad (Device in PlayerInput: XInputControllerWindows).
Touch is simulated one with mouse (Simulate Touch Input From Mouse or Pen).
Also with 3rd control scheme (Keyboard&Mouse) freeze does NOT occur when using both gamepad and keyboard but it happens when combining simulated touch and keyboard so touch is the problem here.
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