PlayerPref maximum Size on the iPhone

Hi Guys,

i´m sure ReJ had read a max for the saving in the PlayerPrefs. But i´m not sure in which. Does anyone know the exakt or max size ?

Is there any limits, for one key or all keys?


PS: It would be good to have an FAQ for the iPhone Unity with the most Questions. ^^

I asked this too once and ReJ replied that he is not aware of any size limitation in the Apple APIs that Unity iPhone is using. So right now, no limit.

Hi Guys,

actually i´m doing a small test how much i can save on the iPhone.

Short description of my test: I hav a WebServer with one Textfile size 17 KB and i save this on the iPhone over the PlayerPrefs. Each File has it´s own Hash Key.

Actual State, it crashes on the iPod at something about 280 Files (+1 Ver entry). Actually i don´t know the exakt number, becouse the App was closing in this moment.

I will update you.



here the update:

I was able to save 817 times my 17 KB file on the iPod Touch (1G). It was crashing becouse memory was full. But i think it says we can save data extremly on the device. In this case means, i was saving 13,5 MB on the iPod on Text Data.

For more informations you can PM me or write here.


Thanks for the test, good to know!