Playerprefs for only one scene

Hello, I am trying to store a different high score in each level but with my script it uses the same high score in all levels.
Script that I am using now:

	public void SetCountText ()
		countText.text = "Score: " + count;
		if (count > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("BestScore")) 
			PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("BestScore", count);

From the gameover scene:

public void Score()
		scoreText.text = "Score: " + playerController.count;
		score = playerController.count;
		if (score > PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("BestScore"))
			PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("BestScore", score);

	public void BestScore()
		bestScoreText.text = "Best: " + PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("BestScore");

PlayerPrefs is a global thing, so the keys you put in there are going to exist for everyone. So what you can do is make sure the key is unique for each level. One way to do that is add on the level name to the key, so instead of “BestScore”…

PlayerPrefs.SetInt("BestScore_" + Application.loadedLevelName, score);

Or something like that. Your keys become BestScore_Level1, BestScore_Leve2, for example. Of course Level1, Level2 will be whatever the names of your levels are.