PlayerPrefs is affecting all builds of my game

I have used playerprefs in my game and built it and they work fine. Unfortunately, when I make another build of the game, the playerprefs that were saved in my already existing build affected it so I could start from the beginning. I went into unity and removed all playerprefs, tested in the editor and it worked fine, but then I went back to the existing build and the playerprefs had been removed from that, even though it was already built before I made the changes. Please help me if you can. I want the playerprefs to be stored separately on each build as I plan to give it to some people. Thanks.

Here is the manual for Platform Dependent Compilation. This might be along the lines of what you’re looking for. You can specify what to load on each platform.

If that doesn’t work, I’d recommend using binary, and file streams in C#. It’s easier that it sounds! Here’s a great Unity Tutorial!

Hope this helps! Good luck :slight_smile: