Playerprefs not saving


Im trying to make a script to save the player settings like volume and field of view.It used to work before but it suddenly stopped for some reason.This is the script Im using(a part of it actually) :

var FOV : float = 75;
var mainCamera : Camera;
var bulletCamera : Camera;
var field = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("FOW");
var velume : float = 1;
var valume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Volume");
var player : Transform;

function Awake()
	FOV = field;
	velume = valume;

function OnGUI ()
{ = myGUISkin;

   	 	if (menu1==true) 

				 if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2.5,Screen.height/2.03,Screen.width/5,Screen.height/10),"Field Of View: " + FOV.ToString("f0")))
                FOV = GUI.HorizontalSlider (Rect ( Screen.width/2.5,Screen.height/1.7, Screen.width/5, Screen.height/10), FOV, 50, 150);
                mainCamera.fieldOfView = FOV;
                bulletCamera.fieldOfView = FOV;
                Camera.main.fieldOfView = FOV;
                PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("FOW", FOV);
                 if (GUI.Button(Rect(Screen.width/2.5,Screen.height/1.65,Screen.width/5,Screen.height/10),"Volume: " + velume.ToString("f0")))
				velume = GUI.HorizontalSlider (Rect ( Screen.width/2.5,Screen.height/1.4, Screen.width/5, Screen.height/10), velume, 0, 10);
       = velume / 10;
                PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("Volume", velume);

This is the player script(a part of it) :

var pauseMenu : PauseMenu;
var valume : PauseMenu;

function Start()
	pauseMenu = GetComponent(PauseMenu);
	audio.volume = pauseMenu.valume;
	Camera.main.fieldOfView = pauseMenu.FOV;

Now the volume won’t even change anymore with the slider.This is really frustrating.It worked before, I don’t remember making any changes to it. Any little help would be really appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

I replaced this line : = velume / 10;

with this one :

AudioListener.volume = velume;

And it somehow worked.

Also I replaced these lines :

var field = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("FOW");
var velume : float = 1;
var valume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Volume");
var player : Transform;
function Awake()
    FOV = field;
    velume = valume;

with these :

var FOV : float = 75;
var mainCamera : Camera;
var bulletCamera : Camera;
var velume : float = 1 / 10;
var player : Transform;

function Awake()
	FOV = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("FOW");
	velume = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("Volume");

Thank you everyone for trying to help me, I really appreciate it!