I have a good working PlayerPrefs system, my only problem now is…
Let’s say I just finished the level and my score is 2500, when my SetInt applies, in the Registry Editor, it puts it there but you can see the value next to it is 2500 and you can also right click it and change the score to what ever you like…
Now that, I don’t want to happen… Please help me out if you know.
That’s actually a good point and concern. The most secure way to prevent cheating is to encrypt the numbers, but you’ll have to roll your own algorithm, or get something from the play store. Check out this 1
The other option is to do something simple, like a binary 64 encoding on the number.
Personally, if this was for a single player game and their cheating wouldn’t actually impact other players, I’d just let them do what they want. They’re only ruining it for themselves, and it’s not going to impact the number of sales you get. If they feel better cheating, they’ll be happier, and give it a better review anyway.