hey gang trying to set up a basic 3 save slot system using playprefs for i’m not worried about file security or anything with this project, I have 3 slots that you can choose and save to but when you restart the game the data dosn’t load load
all seems to wok but not getting a file name displayed when i restart the game
should load only the file name so player know witch of the 3 files contain a saved game
NewGame CS:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class NewGame : MonoBehaviour
public GameFileAccount GameFileAccountCS;
int SaveSlot1 = 1;
int SaveSlot2 = 2;
int SaveSlot3 = 3;
public int fileToUse;
public string FileName1;
public string FileName2;
public string FileName3;
public Text FileName1txt;
public Text FileName2txt;
public Text FileName3txt;
public Text FileNametxt;
public GameObject AreYouSureOverRide;
public GameObject FileGameName;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
FileName1 = PlayerPrefs.GetString("FileName" + SaveSlot1);
FileName2 = PlayerPrefs.GetString("FileName" + SaveSlot2);
FileName3 = PlayerPrefs.GetString("FileName" + SaveSlot3);
FileName1txt.text = FileName1;
FileName2txt.text = FileName2;
FileName3txt.text = FileName2;
public void selectFile01button()
if (FileName1 == null)
Debug.Log("File Selceted 1");
fileToUse = 1;
GameFileAccountCS.fileToUse = fileToUse;
if (FileName1 != null)
fileToUse = 1;
GameFileAccountCS.fileToUse = fileToUse;
public void selectFile02button()
if (FileName2 == null)
fileToUse = 2;
GameFileAccountCS.fileToUse = fileToUse;
if (FileName2 != null)
fileToUse = 2;
GameFileAccountCS.fileToUse = fileToUse;
public void selectFile03button()
if (FileName3 == null)
fileToUse = 3;
GameFileAccountCS.fileToUse = fileToUse;
if (FileName3 != null)
fileToUse = 3;
GameFileAccountCS.fileToUse = fileToUse;
public void newgameFile()
string Lives = "0";
string Coins = "0";
string NewGameName = FileNametxt.text;
string MaxHealth = "10";
string MaxMagic = "10";
string Health = "10";
string Magic = "10";
string UnlockedWorlds = "1";
string checkpoint1world1 = "1";
string checkpoint2world1 = "1";
PlayerPrefs.SetString(NewGameName + fileToUse, "");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(MaxHealth + fileToUse, "");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(MaxMagic + fileToUse, "");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Health + fileToUse, "");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Magic + fileToUse, "");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(Lives + fileToUse, "");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(checkpoint1world1 + fileToUse, "");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(checkpoint2world1 + fileToUse, "");
PlayerPrefs.SetString(UnlockedWorlds + fileToUse, "");
GameFileAccountCS.LoadGame(); // LoadSellectedGame