Playerprefs to Save UI TEXT

hello everyone. I have two variables in my game. One is for Score and the other is for coin that’s defined through UI Text. I want to save number of coins collecting by player. I failed to save and load. here is my script;

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class UIManager2 : MonoBehaviour {

	public static int coin_score = 0;

	public Text coin_text;

	void Start () {

	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update () {

		coin_text.text = coin_score.ToString ();


Something like this should work:

 void Start()
 coin_score = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("anyNameYouLike") //Load value

void Update()
 coin_text.text = coin_score.ToString();
 PlayerPrefs.SetInt("anyNameYouLike", coin_score); //Save value

You can save a string (PlayerPrefs.SetString(“name”, stringToSave)), but I do not recommend it in this case. Saving the int is much easier. Also I would recommend updating the score only when it is modified.

I’m new in unity
Your code worked fine but when I try to buy a new item, My coin number doesn’t change. I wrote a code in which for any item to buy, number of coins must be decreased. It worked fine before, But now It fails. Should I put your code in Awake ()?