Players crashing when tiles cleared from a tilemap

Hey all, so i have my game built in Unity 2022.3.33f1 and some players are crashing when it comes to a specific boss.

The boss does an area of effect attack which I telegraph using tilemaps. The telegraphed tilemap is using DOTween to fade the color from red to clear and back constantly. The screenshot they sent was after the telegraph appeared and tweened for a while (probably until completion) and then probably crashed at the end of the telegraph which is when i clear the tiles from the telegraph map:

They were kind enough to give me their logs and crash dumps, but I’m not sure how to attach them here.

Here is a screenshot of the dump:

I don’t think I’m doing any funky dividing by zero. So it makes me think that either the tilemaps or DOTween could possibly be doing it.

Here is the code that handles the telegraph: Telegraph Map -
It all happens here, specifically the case TelegraphBroadcast.TelegraphType.SpellArea is what would be causing the issue since thats where the spell ends up.

The log file accompanying it starts with this and continues for a while just printing DLL’s. Nothing i can figure out:

Any insight or help would be appreciated!

So I tried updating to the latest LTS (.55) and it still didnt work.

I reverted and made a dev build with debugger attached and caught the line in my IDE that was throwing:

I don’t know much about IL/generated code so any insight would be extremely helpful!

EDIT: Investigating the commented line, looks like i am doing a modulus op, so I am going to try another build making sure that the mod is not 0.

Looks like it was in fact my movement script trying to do a modulus of 0.

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