Hello Everyone,
I’m currently working on an elaborate system which (I hope) will make it very easy for developers to make an options menu inside Unity. I want to make this options menu have as many options as possible, making it comparable to what you can change in many AAA titles. (Battlefield, GTA, …)
Among many other options, an option in particular which I would like to add to the options menu is “Run in Background”. This allows players to decide whether they want the game to continue in the background or not.
Sadly, this variable resides inside the PlayerSettings class, which is in the UnityEditor namespace. As far as I am aware this means that there is no way to get/set these variables after making a build, not in runtime nor through command line arguments.
Is there any way for me to access this variable after building a game, am I missing something? If not, is there any possibility this may become available in the future?