PlayFullScreenMovie and iOS 8+

I’m using Unity Professional 5.3.1f1. I’m having no trouble using PlayFullScreenMovie on Android, and on iOS devices with iOS versions under 8. However, with 8 and above, I am noticing the following issues.

  1. The background color no longer is the color I choose, it’s always black.
  2. The video does not scale to aspect fill as it does on the other devices. It’s deciding it wants to be aspect fit, leaving bars.
  3. The video playing somehow allows the user to auto-orient the device, despite the app being restricted to one specific orientation. This is not possible anywhere else in the app except during video playback. What’s really fun is if it’s rotating as the video ends, the app stays in that improper orientation.

Is this something that was possibly patched in a newer version of Unity 5?

For sake of reference, this where I run the movie.

Handheld.PlayFullScreenMovie("movie.3gp", Color.white, FullScreenMovieControlMode.CancelOnInput, FullScreenMovieScalingMode.AspectFill);

Found something out. If you go into the Xcode build and do a search for, it specifically uses AVPlayer on iOS 8 and up. We changed it to use MPVideoPlayback on all versions of iOS and it plays the video like it’s told.