Playing a MovieTexture video

Hey, I wanted too add a video in the game (An 2D game). I created a texture (Mesh Filter and Mesh Randerer too) and dragged the video in. I also created an Audio Source for the sound. I positioned the video correctly, I can see it in the Scene. I Used this script :

var movTexture : MovieTexture;
	function Start () {
		renderer.material.mainTexture = movTexture;

I got this error: UnassignedReferenceException: The variable movTexture of Video has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the movTexture variable of the Video script in the inspector.
UnityEngine.MovieTexture.Play () (at C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/EditorGenerated/MovieTextureBindings.cs:20)
Video.Start () (at Assets/Video.js:4)

If I add the audio it won’t start anyway i don’t know how. Thanks to help me.

EDIT: Ok I selected my video in the Mov Texture in the inspector of script (The little dot). Now I see my video but the video is a little bit darker and the error is still there.

The error says that you didn’t assign the movTexture variable, so it is equal to null. You need to check that you added it in the inspector. :slight_smile: