Hi, i have a list of external videos which i have to play on a GUITexture (or any texture which works, in fact). I just want to play one video at a time.
When i use WWW, the movie loads and works quite well, but when i load the next movie the memory always increases. So it is a memory leak.
I’ve tried disposing WWW, i’ve tried destroying the gameobject and creating another one, and i’ve tried using QTPlayback plugin of the wiki, but it is not working on Windows on Unity 4.1 Pro (i’ve tried to change the texture pointer as they suggest in the wiki, didn’t work).
Unfortunately, i can’t affod AVPro. Could you help me?
Here’s when i load the video:
string pathPrefix = @"file://";
string fullFilename = pathPrefix + movPath;
WWW www = new WWW(fullFilename);
movTexture = www.movie;