Playing particles on touch&hold/mouse&hold where you pointing/touching screen [help]

Hi all, so basically all i wanna have in my project is to hose particle [hose mobile] that when i press mouse button and hold [when i touch screen and hold it ] it plays particle and also whenever i move my finger on screen while touching [or moving mouse while holding mouse button] play particle in that direction.
The example i want is in standard assets on particle scene but i dont want buttons and other particles just want that one particle to be played.
Here is the code that i edited [tried to delete unwanted stuff that related to other particles and just left the ones that only for hose particle so its working]
The code has everything even unwanted code for particles but what i did is to just comment them out with ‘//’ because i might later need them or something.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityStandardAssets.Effects;

namespace UnityStandardAssets.SceneUtils
    public class ParticleSceneControls : MonoBehaviour
        public enum Mode

        public enum AlignMode

        public DemoParticleSystemList demoParticles;
        public float spawnOffset = 0.5f;
        public float multiply = 1;
        public bool clearOnChange = false;
        public Text titleText;
        public Transform sceneCamera;
        public Text instructionText;
       // public Button previousButton;
        //public Button nextButton;
        public GraphicRaycaster graphicRaycaster;
        public EventSystem eventSystem;

        private ParticleSystemMultiplier m_ParticleMultiplier;
        private List<Transform> m_CurrentParticleList = new List<Transform>();
        private Transform m_Instance;
        private static int s_SelectedIndex = 0;
        private Vector3 m_CamOffsetVelocity =;
        private Vector3 m_LastPos;
        private static DemoParticleSystem s_Selected;

        private void Awake()


        private void OnDisable()
            //previousButton.onClick.RemoveListener (Previous);
            //nextButton.onClick.RemoveListener (Next);

        //private void Previous()
       // {
           // s_SelectedIndex--;
            //if (s_SelectedIndex == -1)
               // s_SelectedIndex = demoParticles.items.Length - 1;
           // }
       // }

       // public void Next()
     //   {
          //  s_SelectedIndex++;
           // if (s_SelectedIndex == demoParticles.items.Length)
           // {
              //  s_SelectedIndex = 0;
           // }

        private void Update()


            sceneCamera.localPosition = Vector3.SmoothDamp (sceneCamera.localPosition, Vector3.forward * -s_Selected.camOffset,
                                                       ref m_CamOffsetVelocity, 1);

            if (s_Selected.mode == Mode.Activate) {
                //this is for a particle system that just needs activating, and needs no interaction (eg, duststorm)

            //if (CheckForGuiCollision()) return;

            //bool oneShotClick = (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0) && s_Selected.mode == Mode.Instantiate);
            //bool repeat = (Input.GetMouseButton (0) && s_Selected.mode == Mode.Trail);

            /*if (oneShotClick || repeat)
                Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    var rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(hit.normal);

                    if (s_Selected.align == AlignMode.Up)
                        rot = Quaternion.identity;

                    var pos = hit.point + hit.normal*spawnOffset;

                    if ((pos - m_LastPos).magnitude > s_Selected.minDist)
                        if (Mode.Activate) //(s_Selected.mode != Mode.Trail || m_Instance == null)
                            m_Instance = (Transform) Instantiate(s_Selected.transform, pos, rot);

                            if (m_ParticleMultiplier != null)
                                m_Instance.GetComponent<ParticleSystemMultiplier>().multiplier = multiply;


                            if (s_Selected.maxCount > 0 && m_CurrentParticleList.Count > s_Selected.maxCount)
                                if (m_CurrentParticleList[0] != null)
                            m_Instance.position = pos;
                            m_Instance.rotation = rot;

                        if (s_Selected.mode == Mode.Trail)
                            m_Instance.transform.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().enableEmission = false;

                        m_Instance.parent = hit.transform;
                        m_LastPos = pos;

        void KeyboardInput()

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.RightArrow))

        /*bool CheckForGuiCollision()
            PointerEventData eventData = new PointerEventData(eventSystem);
            eventData.pressPosition = Input.mousePosition;
            eventData.position = Input.mousePosition;

            List<RaycastResult> list = new List<RaycastResult>();
            graphicRaycaster.Raycast(eventData, list);
            return list.Count > 0;
       private void Select(int i)
            s_Selected = demoParticles.items[i];
            m_Instance = null;
            foreach (var otherEffect in demoParticles.items)
                if ((otherEffect != s_Selected) && (otherEffect.mode == Mode.Activate))
            if (s_Selected.mode == Mode.Activate)
            m_ParticleMultiplier = s_Selected.transform.GetComponent<ParticleSystemMultiplier>();
            multiply = 1;
            if (clearOnChange)
                while (m_CurrentParticleList.Count > 0)

            instructionText.text = s_Selected.instructionText;
            titleText.text =;

        public class DemoParticleSystem
            public Transform transform;
            public Mode mode;
            public AlignMode align;
            public int maxCount;
            public float minDist;
            public int camOffset = 15;
            public string instructionText;

        public class DemoParticleSystemList
            public DemoParticleSystem[] items;

It looks like its working but im sure this script it too long and has way more unwanted/unused code that i dont need, because all i want is to play particle whenever i touch and hold screen.
Can someone help me with it to delete unwanted code or write/tell me how to make such code to just play particles whenever i touch and hold on the screen. I have no idea maybe like tranform [and then list of different particles for example 1hose 2hose particle] and then when you press and hold it plays particle and whenever you move pointer/mouse/touch then it plays constantly changing direction where you pointing
Or if not then if someone could transform it into java script as i get like 5% of C#

Thank you for helping !

Anyone ?


So without any help as usual because its rare that someone here helps looks like its just me and few other people on forum or using unity but yeah i realised that i didnt need any of this code just need the hose and the other script on hose particle system because this one is controler of all rest of particles but i just wanted one