I want to make that when i look at object at certain distance it plays a loud boom. And when i look elsewhere it resets the sound so that when i look again it plays again. This what i’ve put together but it doesnt work.
if(dist < 10){
Instead it plays the sound once ok. The other audio in the sctipt wont play until i go closer than 10. Whats wrong? Im kind of new to the audio in unity.
isPlaying only works when the sound was started with Play() - sounds started with PlayOneShot don’t set isPlaying. You could use Play like this:
if (dist < 10){
if (!audio.isPlaying){
audio.clip = Boom;
But this code will do nothing if another clip is already playing in this same AudioSource. If you have other sounds that may be playing, a better solution is to create a private PlayOneShot version:
JS version:
private var clipEnd: float; // declare this outside any function
function MyPlayOneShot(sound: AudioClip){
if (Time.time > clipEnd){ // if previous clip not playing anymore...
audio.PlayOneShot(sound); // play the new one...
clipEnd = Time.time + sound.length; // and calculate its end time
C# version:
private float clipEnd; // declare this outside any function
void MyPlayOneShot(AudioClip sound){
if (Time.time > clipEnd){ // if previous clip not playing anymore...
audio.PlayOneShot(sound); // play the new one...
clipEnd = Time.time + sound.length; // and calculate its end time
Then call it as a regular PlayOneShot:
if (dist < 10){