Playmaker 75% Sale!! 24 Hours!

Grab Playmaker now for $25!! 24 hours only!
Asset Store:!/content/368
Forum thread:

Hi Alex, is this still available? Not sure if something screwy is happening with the forum time zones… the time stamp tells me this was posted 22 hours ago, however I can’t see the discount in the store.

No, sorry! The sale ended earlier today :frowning:

Bummer! Thanks for letting me know.

PlayMaker suggestion / wish:
(didn´t found the thread after seraching…and in the hutong-forum you have to type 10 answers before search starts. A bit riddiculus :()

Animateable Variables:
I didn´t find out, how to animate “variables” (or global-variables) with the “Animation-Timeline”. Makes me a bit sad. Because you can animate every variable / value from a CS or JS. Did i miss something or this not posibble with P.M. ???